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The Cutty Adventures Lost in Panama

Gallery: santa fe

PANAMA | Wednesday, 11 Feb 2009 | Photo Gallery

right on the clowd line
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Change of Course

PANAMA | Wednesday, 28 Jan 2009 | Views [565]

Due to the distance towns are placed away from beaches, our plans changed course and we decided to invest in wheels.  Although this will be an unexpected expense, we find it necessary to continue.  With that said, the day was spent researching different ... Read more >

Welcomed Arrival

PANAMA | Sunday, 25 Jan 2009 | Views [526]

       This is our first day at one place without any travel.  The weather is unexpedectedly pleasant thanks to a constant breeze coming off the water.  The sun is obviously hot, but very comfortable in the shade with very little humidity.  We are staying ... Read more >

Tags: arrival to pedasi

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