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Miles apart illustrating unexpected opportunies

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Worldwide | Friday, October 21, 2011 | 5 photos

Montreal, Canada; during the world cup this group showing a strong kick capturing the path of the ball where the grains of sand were seized midflight. The defending player’s reactions add to the picture in the strong light of late afternoon.

Ottawa, Canada I where we engaged in a protest against those imprisoned in the G-20 summit, this was taken at the conclusion of the event on the steps of parliament where my friend hit on a female organiser engaging in political conversation with their conflicting paraphernalia in hand.

Yellowstone, America where a fawn emerged out of the bushes in to the light after rushed excitedly out of the car as I quickly captured this elegant creature from a distance.

Ottawa, Canada this was near parliamentary building early evening with the light up building framed by a tree adjacent making different adjustments to shutter speed and aperture to have the long streaks that break up the picture.

Quebec, Canada after an exceptionally rainy day the opportunities for photos were limited, as the sky cleared the beautiful bright colours were revealed, the road glistened as evaporating moisture refracted. This catches the moment peaceful moment in middle of the countryside.

I’m an enthusiastic photographer and editor with a passion for travel. I have spent most of my working life as a science teacher in Australia and England and more recently as a travel consultant. I have travelled to a dozens of destinations. I am rarely seen without a camera in hand and one nickname was ‘Paparazzi Dave’, which stuck. This opportunity to attain a scholarship and being able to travel and take pictures as a potential change career would be amazing. I am a teachable individual and easy to get along with and live an active lifestyle ready for physical challenges.

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