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The camping couple and a dog named Pumba

Back to bikinis, boardies and barefeet

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 14 Sep 2017 | Views [436]

Tags: ba

The Ningaloo Nomads

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 29 Jul 2017 | Views [945]

Hello once again and welcome back to our travelling blog. I bet by now you're starting to wonder who Jamie and Camille are and if they will be coming back at all. So it is coming up to one year that we have been on our ‘Around Aus Trip' and our ... Read more >

Work, Snorkel, Sleep, Repeat

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 26 May 2017 | Views [920]

Welcome back to our working adventures on the Ningaloo reef.   We are now well and truly into the swing of working life once more, though of course we would much rather just be travelling.   The working days are hard and very ... Read more >

Our Ningaloo Home

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 11 Apr 2017 | Views [783] | Comments [1]

  Hi everybody and welcome back to our blog once again. I’ll start off by saying a big happy Easter for next weekend and we hope you have a great long weekend, whether it be a camping trip away, or just a weekend at home watching the footy ... Read more >

Amazing Shark Bay

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 15 Mar 2017 | Views [676]

Hey everybody, welcome back to our blog (the first one written by Jamie)!   Our last few weeks have once again been packed full of adventures and we have had an amazing time exploring the coastal areas between Cervantes and Shark Bay.... Read more >

Meeting up with mates

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 3 Mar 2017 | Views [722]

Whilst staying with Kayleigh and George in Dunsborough, we decided that due to the state of our finances, it was time to start looking for some work. According to everybody we had spoken to it would be easy getting jobs with our combined skill set, ... Read more >

The adventure continues

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 9 Feb 2017 | Views [644]

Australia Day dawned with absolutely perfect weather so in true Aussie style we made our way to Middleton Beach, Albany to celebrate. They had a family event happening at the beach with food trucks, stand-up paddleboards for hire, beach volleyball and ... Read more >

The oasis after the desert

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 25 Jan 2017 | Views [566]

I have been a bit slack with the blog as the last few weeks we have been pretty busy. Thinking back and looking at the photos we have taken, it is obvious how much we have actually done in the last 3 weeks. After getting our car fixed at the mechanic ... Read more >

Surf, Sand and Fun in the Sun

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 5 Jan 2017 | Views [600]

So our month of work has finished and we are back into holiday and camping mode!! Saying goodbye to Andy and Teresa we met up with Marcus and Hayley and their little girl Gabbie who had driven from Sydney to Adelaide to spend Christmas with family and ... Read more >

West Coast Warriors

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 26 Dec 2016 | Views [560]

Welcome back to our blog! This being the final one for 2016, where has the year gone? We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope that your well-earned time off work is amazing.   I write this, sitting in our beautiful house, ... Read more >

West Coast Life - Adelaide to Ceduna

AUSTRALIA | Wednesday, 30 Nov 2016 | Views [588]

Today is now day three of our new jobs that we have started in Ceduna. Jamie is working as an electrician with the local sparky, also called Jamie, and I am a Pharmaxy assistant at the pharmacy in town. But first let me fill you ... Read more >

West Mac's vs East Mac's

AUSTRALIA | Sunday, 30 Oct 2016 | Views [567]

After what we now fondly refer to as “death gorge” or Redbank gorge, as it is actually called, we still had quite a few gorges and sights left in the West Macdonnell Ranges.   Here I was thinking I would be sick of gorges, as the ... Read more >

Kings Canyon and West Macdonnell Ranges

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 25 Oct 2016 | Views [415]

From Uluru, we drove to Kings Canyon, another place we had heard much about. As we didn’t particularly feel like spending another small fortune for an unpowered site at Kings Canyon resort and campground, we instead camped at Jump up lookout. ... Read more >

Uluru and Kata Tjuta

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 25 Oct 2016 | Views [467]

People had said it was amazing and really something to behold, but everyone also said you couldn’t know its true beauty until you had seen it for yourself.   A wave of disappointment and confusion hit us as we had our first view of this ... Read more >

Getting back to bush camping

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 14 Oct 2016 | Views [479]

Our week in Roxby downs had been necessary, not only to fix our trailer and give Jamie a chance to do some work, but also to ride out the heat wave of above 37-degree days. That doesn’t mean I wasn’t glad when we were back on the road again, ... Read more >

When disaster strikes – The value of having a Sat phone

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 7 Oct 2016 | Views [620] | Comments [2]

The storms had done a very good job in making life pretty hard and miserable for the poor people of Northern South Australia.   I know a lot of people in Adelaide complained that they went for a whole evening without power, but as it turned ... Read more >

Getting into the swing of camping life

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 3 Oct 2016 | Views [659] | Comments [1]

It is day 6 of our adventure and while I sit here to recount the previous days, I marvel at the fact that there seems to be so much time in a day when you don’t get up with an alarm clock to go to work, but rather wake with the sun and sounds ... Read more >

Tags: camping, gorges, hiking, on the road

Photos: Australia trip

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 3 Oct 2016 | Photo Gallery

See all 8 photos >>

Day 1 - Burra Gorge

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 3 Oct 2016 | Views [569]

I sit here writing this next to a crackling fire made by Jamie, under a canopy of giant gum trees and a sky full of brilliant stars.   Pumba wanders the campsite exploring any noises and smells as he goes.   We have fitted him ... Read more >

Tags: australia, camping, journey, on the road, travelling

The Decision

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 20 Sep 2016 | Views [968] | Comments [8]

The decision to become nomads, if only for a year, didn't come lightly. We had discussed many times together, our desire to travel, to explore and discover new and exciting places.  We had already travelled to a lot of places, both together ... Read more >

Tags: australia, journey, nomads, travelling

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