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phnom penh, cambodia

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Tuesday, August 31, 2010 | flickr photos

The photos...

...as i walk through some vacant fields just outside Phnom Penh, i hear a rock band. the sounds penetrate for hundreds of metres. as i come closer the sounds become less and less familiar, i can't quite grasp the sounds of the instruments. i reach the bamboo hut...a group of men bang spoons onto buckets, smash flip flops onto timber, slap left hand into right and reach vocal decibals beyond their own capability.

the simplicity to their lives is evident. their happiness comes from the world that they have created, in each passing moment of their days, they simply live.

something we need to remind ourselves how to do sometimes...


My name is Cameron Allen and I am a 24 year old from a small town in Western Australia called Kalgoorlie.

In the last two years I have done a lot of travel, and with that I have taught myself some photography and gained a lot of inspiration in the beautiful Cambodia.

I return to Cambodia on the 15th of September and will eventually travel in India.

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