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A Quiet Life

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Sunday, July 7, 2013 | 5 photos

I am sitting here, stuck with writers block on what to say about myself. It should be simple right? If someone was to ask me ‘What does photography mean to you?’ I simply could not fit an answer in to 1200 characters, so I will answer that question with a simple comparison; photography is as essential to me as water is to a fish. Literally; it is my lifeline. I live and breathe it!

I am currently halfway through my photography course and am certain that this is the path I want to take in life. The passion I have for exploring the unknown, meeting new people (especially the ones nobody wants to meet) and capturing the world around me is endless.

If I am not shooting, working or at college you will most likely find me in the surf, catching up with a mate or lost in the local bushland. The surroundings I grew up in have given me the ability to see beauty where many may say there is none and over the years I have learnt (and am still learning) about all the different ways to capture this. For me this scholarship would be an amazing opportunity to take the step forward that I need, to learn and to grow as a photographer so that I can start really impacting the art of photography.

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