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Darling Moments

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Thailand | Friday, November 30, 2012 | 5 photos

Hello, Team
My Name is Calin Manuela Darling
I am 19 years old and very fascinated with the world of photography and design, the way the camera can capture an moment of expression, that can be forever seen.

This experience would help so much to learn and create a style of my own. going around the world photographing the sites and wonders, is amazing!! it gives u a sense of how big this world is.

For me this trip would open my eyes to the world more, it would help me learn the techniques of the camera to get the best shots. plus i love connecting with people and places, the feeling of going out of your way, going in water to get the shots, or climbing a temple stair way or waiting long time in the forest on the ground for the footsteps of a animal. Its not just the photographing, but the experience of everything we see, hear and touch.
I Am a very hard worker and would be up to anything we see and hear, i am fit and active. Hand on experience with a professional photographer would be great to sit down and learn the ways and stories of how they got there.

Thank you for the opportunity y to apply.
Hope u have a great time on the trip, with who ever it is.
Calin Darling

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