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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Kenya | Thursday, December 27, 2012 | 4 photos

Photography has always been a creative outlet of mine, since my father purchased his Canon 450D, which I successfully commandeered, I've captured almost everything I've seen. I take photos for a local monthly vintage market, I just love photography. I love the feeling of being behind the camera, the satisfaction of getting a really good photo. But it's not just about that, I love people. Recently I travelled to Kenya, to a small village outside of Kisumu as a volunteer photo journalist for the high-school I used to attend. I was captivated by the joy I took it telling a stories in a photos, in the power I had to connect and affect people by what I had seen. I would love to do this as a job, to travel, learn about people and what makes them who they are, and then share it with anyone who will look or listen. I just don't know how. Social expectation is sending me to University this coming year but that's not who I am, I want to be with people, I want to be in the field, learning, growing, and telling stories about what I find. I believe this scholarship would give me a way to do that. It has the potential to change my life. It would give me a way out.

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