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Neverending China

My Scholarship entry - Neverending China

China | Monday, January 14, 2013 | 4 photos

My name is Brian Gooding. I studied visual journalism in university and since graduating have been alternating between working and saving money, and traveling. I love exploring and documenting what I see through photo essays and short stories. The place doesn't matter; it can be exotic and grandiose, or simple and mundane--there is something to see and share from everywhere.

From this opportunity I hope to gain experience and insight with Jason and understand more what it means to be in photography as a profession. As well, I would like to get feedback, receive some exposure and make contacts.

I have a dedication to this art and have traveled extensively the past three years, through my own country and also making international trips to China, Germany, Malaysia, The Netherlands and Thailand. I hope to make photography my profession and share different sides of the world with everyone.

About briangooding

A mostly-empty bus, soon to be sagging with people when the workday ends.

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