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Dropped Off at the Airport

USA | Thursday, 4 December 2008 | Views [732] | Comments [5]

A message from Johnny:

I dropped off Brenda and Shanell today at LAX. The drive was somewhat quite as it really started to hit us on how long one month will truly feel (the longest we have been apart over the past 21 years has been 2 weeks). I can sense many sleepless nights for both of us. The hardest part of the drive was listening to Brenda leave Crod a message on his cell phone (Crod was in school). Brenda opened up and poured into the call...it was simply impossible for me to hold back my tears. On the way to LAX Shanell (the new vegetarian to our family) wanted to make a pit stop at In & Out. Shanell ordered the veggie burger (grilled cheese) and Brenda had her usual #2 with grilled onions. LAX was only a short 10 minutes after we finished our lunch. Shanell who will be documenting most of her time via the camera was shooting away at signs from LAX. We pulled into the terminal and the time we have been dreading had arrived. We were all very strong and left with a series of hugs and kisses.

Shanell...You are simply an amazing women. In your school they said you are the person most likely to fill her passport. In my book...you are the daughter all dads can only dream of their kids becoming. I'm so proud of you and love you so much!

Brenda...You are the most amazing women on this planet and I'm BLESSED to have you in my life. Te-Te-To Mucho Tanto!

Tags: drive to lax



Oh papito you are so amazing!!
I love you with all my heart!!
We got into London with no problems. We are at the hotel overnight and will be flighting out to Kenya tomorrow morning. Shanell is very tired and due to her cold has slept all day......no time to see London :)Love you so much I will write soon, C-Rod you are the man!!! Love you my wonderful boys!!!

  brenda-liz Dec 5, 2008 10:01 AM


Brenda & Johnny... Los amo mucho Dios los cuide y permita q. cada dia ese GRAN AMOR entre ustedes continúe creciendo como en estos últimos 21 años.
Shannel & Brenda, me llenan de orgullo y de alegrïa, LAS FELICITO por ser tan determinadas y por poner su granito de arena a hacer de este mundo uno mejor (ojalá todos fueramos tan determinados y pudieramos hacer lo mismo)... GOOD LUCK & GOD BLESS U ALL!!!

  Yolanda Pagan Dec 8, 2008 8:52 AM


Opino igual que Yoly. Ese amor que ambos se profesan los hace crecer cada día mas como seres humanos y le brindan una gran confianza e independencia a sus hijos,que al igual que ustede serán tan excelente con sus parejas como con sus hijos. Ustedes son de gran ejemplo para ellos. Continuen así. Dios los cuide siempre.

Fotos, fotos, B & S envien fotos.

  Irma Ramirez Dec 9, 2008 4:52 AM


Ssfe journey! I love you guys and Im soo proud, I really miss hanging out with you guys, I hope to get to spend some time with you again some time in the future for now God Speed on your amazing journey.


  Gretchen Grajales Dec 9, 2008 6:51 AM


Querida Brenda:

Espero que Shannel y tu tengan un buen viaje. Que esta oportunidad que Dios le ha brindado les sirva no solo para conocerce mejor si no para hacernos saber como viven otros seres humanos en otras partes del mundo. Gracias por invitarnos a vivir estan experiencias con ustedes. Tu esposo e hijo deben estar bien orgullosos de ustedes, se que debe ser bien duro para ellos no tenerlas cerca pero ellos saben que al final todo este sacrificio valdra la pena.
Estan es mis oraciones y pensamientos.
Que Dios las cuide y bendiga siempre.

  Doris Robledo Dec 15, 2008 4:10 AM

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