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Golden Gate brug!

USA | Sunday, 13 July 2008 | Views [402] | Comments [1]

Golden Gate brug!



HI! Great photos! We have enjoyed seeing all of your adventures. We are envious. LOL. Hope you enjoyed your travels to date and in seeing all of those beautiful sights.

By the way, we just found out something. were checking on improving the gas mileage on a car here and found out from the mechanic that sometimes on older vehicles, you can get improved fuel economy and better gas mileage by replacing the fuel oxygen sensor. The sensor does not have to indicate that it is malfunctioning. But a new one may be better. It was not terribly expensive. You may want to have that priced by a mechanic to replace on the Van and see if it is worth doing? Just a thought.

  Jack & Kathy Jul 31, 2008 9:51 AM