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The Taj Mahal: Not just ANOTHER building

The Taj Mahal

INDIA | Sunday, 24 May 2015 | Views [317] | Scholarship Entry

“It’s just another building,” I thought when I saw the huge queue snaking its way through a rusty metal fence, a typical symbol of the run down land that is India. “Is waiting in this massive line really going to be worth seeing just ANOTHER temple?” Apprehensively, I joined the long line before encountering my first positive surprise of the day. As I was a tourist and had paid 90% more for my ticket than the locals, I was permitted to skip the long line and head straight to security.

If you ever visit the Taj Mahal, then let me first provide you with one piece of helpful advice to assist in getting past the airport style security. Take NOTHING with you! The following items were confiscated from my backpack:
· a notebook (there will be NO documentation of the Taj Mahal)
· playing cards (there will be NO playing at the Taj Mahal), and
· chewing gum (there will certainly be NO DRUGS at the Taj Mahal).

After finally making my way past the stern looking Indian officials, it was time to make my way though the huge gates to get my first glimpse of this building which everyone had seemed to rave about.

I felt like I was back in London, attempting to get in to into a tube carriage at Clapham Common as I pushed my way through the entrance, straining my neck to get a first look at the white marble of the mysterious palace situated in the small town of Agra, just south of Delhi.
Finally, she came into sight.

This is when everything changed.

Never in my life have I been confronted with such a view. Through the mist that had seemed to blanket all of Northern India, there the Taj Mahal stood, the most spectacular building I had ever cast my eyes on. Although the area was packed with thousands of tourists, for just one moment I felt alone, stunned by the sight in front of me.

No pictures will ever do justice to the beauty of this magnificent building; therefore I will attempt to recreate my experience in words. The immaculate gardens, the glistening white marble, the sheer size of this monstrous building; all of these factors contributed to the overwhelming feeling of being blessed to see such a view.

I have never been one to be amazed by or fascinated by a man made structure. But the Taj Mahal has forever changed my opinion of what the human hand and mind is capable. I took one final look at the building whilst the sun was setting (the best time of day to visit) and took a mental photograph, which I will always keep safe in the depths of my brain.

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

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