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Gary and Karen Lawrence

Gary's birthday

ITALY | Monday, 28 October 2013 | Views [441] | Comments [1]

Today is Gary's birthday! We woke early and after breakfast headed away from St marks square. We had a Venice walking tour booked for 11:10am so we wanted to go in the opposite direction. Our hotel overlooks St Marks bay and we followed the bay around to the left until we came to a wide street. Here we walked to the end, taking in all the sights. We loved all the little side alleys that had washing strung from one side to the other. You don't get much sunlight due to the narrow canals and high walls so I guess this is the only way they can dry their clothes.

We walked past two massive anchors and Gaz posed for a photo. We saw that it was actually a naval museum so thought we would go in for a look. It is called Museo Storico Navale Venezia. It was massive, with naval memorabilia dating back to the 1300's! It was 4 floors of packed naval history. Mark and Ian would have loved it! However, time was pressing on and we headed back past our hotel and on to our meeting spot. Here we meet our guide and donned the tradition lanyard and audio received and ear plugs - yet again we screamed 'tourist'! However this is a fantastic way to see the sights and learn more about the history. We walked for 2 hours learning all about. It was so interesting.

No time to rest though. Once we finished we had to meet at the jetty for our gondola ride. This was beautiful. We went in and along some tiny canals, it was eerily silent. Here we got a different perspective of Venice. From the water you can really appreciate the marvel of the buildings. Our guide told us that they used trees as the building foundations and they petrified them before submerging them. This way they will last for hundreds maybe even thousand more years to come.

After the gondola ride we retraced our walk from this morning. I was keen to find the small square where 27 years ago I had the most amazing gelato. We found it and actually had lunch there before a lemon and lime gelato. It was sensational. I wonder if it will be another 27 years before I have another here? Hope not!

We slowly meandered through the narrow paths and over beautiful little bridges. I have to say it was very romantic! I don't think Gary and I have had this much time alone in 19 years! We have really enjoyed this time away together. No arguments yet! Still have the 22 hour flight home though.

We got back to our hotel around 5 pm. Just before we went inside a huge cruise ship went by. This is something that wasn't here 27 years ago. Now 2 to 4 cruise ships dock in Venice every day bringing in up to 10,000 tourists! personally I don't like it. They dwarf everything around Venice and look so out of context. But, that's progress I guess. You don't have to like it.

It is now 6pm and we are sitting on the roof top terrace of our Hotel, watching the gondolas and water taxis go by. It is dark because of the end of daylight saving and all the lights are twinkling on the bay. The church bells are chiming and I can't think of a nicer place to be. I am sipping on a Chianti and Gary is enjoying a Peroni. This certainly has been a birthday for Gary to remember for ever.




What a fabulous time you both have had and thank you for sharing it with us. Look forward to hearing more and see your photos on your return home xx

  Dianne Oct 29, 2013 7:13 AM

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