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Adventures of The Clow's

My Scholarship entry - Amongst the Elephants

Thailand | Monday, November 24, 2014 | 5 photos

My name is Bobby-Jo Clow. I am passionate about travel, the natural world, and especially photography. My dream is to work full-time as a photographer, to raise awareness, and money, for conservation.
I work as an Elephant keeper in Australia. My job is to help secure a shared future for wildlife and people. Elephants are a particular passion. I’m continually horrified at the plight of elephants, and other endangered species, across the globe. Whenever I have the opportunity to travel, I try to use my photography to tell stories about the natural world and the amazing creatures that call the dwindling wild places home. I’m also fascinated by the people who share wild places with animals
I consider this scholarship an opportunity to further my skills, not only to build a career as a full-time professional photographer, but to help me achieve my goal of raising awareness about the plight of endangered animals, like elephants, and to raise funds to help save elephants, elephant habitat and the people who also call these wild places home. I see this scholarship as an opportunity to learn from the best in the business, and, most importantly, as a chance to make a difference.

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