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Life Happens The adventures of Nora Dunn & Kelly Bedford, Professional Hobos. Nora writes, Kelly makes music. Together, we are on a lifelong journey to...wherever.


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "nimbin".

Caravan Culture

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 26 Jun 2008 | Views [6320]

Caravans ( meaning trailers in Australian ) and caravan parks are everywhere in Oz. Trailer Parks. Tornado Bait. Trailer Trash. Drunks on welfare raising families of six kids born from three different fathers (or mothers). Lots of stained white ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, australia, caravan parks, evans head, nimbin, world nomads

Lonely Planet Great Guidebook Moment: Nimbin

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 21 Jun 2008 | Views [13537] | Comments [11]

Here’s how Lonely Planet primed us for the town of Nimbin: Landing in Nimbin can be like entering a social experiment, particularly at noon , when Byron day-trippers arrive en masse and find themselves hectored by dreadlocked, tie-dyed ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, arts and culture, lonely planet great guidebook moment, nimbin, world nomads

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