My Photo scholarship 2011 entry
Worldwide | Monday, November 7, 2011 |
flickr photos
On a sunny afternoon of October 28, 2011 and while the Philippine Army/Air Force and the MILF terrorist are fighting in the island of Basilan, Philippines, I took these photos on a wharf just across the war-zone-island. At first, I was not allowed by my husband to go out since I am one of the “candidates” for kidnapping because I am an officer’s wife. But after all the pleadings and crying, my husband permitted me to go out and take the pictures but to a very limited time.
My entry is about a Bajao family’s home. The Bajao tribe lives a seaborne lifestyle. They literally cook, eat, sleep and even give birth to a child on the boat. They are the poorest of the poor. Their only means of living is by fishing and asking for alms from the boat passengers.
As an amateur photographer from a third world country, my goal is to share my photos to the world so they could see the two sides of my country-beauty and poverty. There are plenty of beautiful places in my country but I believe that I need to share the more pressing side which is poverty. That is why I choose the Bajao tribe, particularly Norcita’s family. I would like to raise public awareness by conveying their real situation which is suffering from lack of basic needs. After all, I am an advocate of helping the poorest among the poor since I was in college.
From the first time I watched National Geographic Channel; I have always been fascinated with their videos and photos. It has been my lifelong dream to be part of the team or even be an assistant to Mr Jason Edwards to South Africa .I am adventurous, loves to travel and eager in discovering different cultures.
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