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Making Lemonade life gives you lemons make lemonade” Hello friends and family this cruising journal/blog is about my travels, the places I go and the friends I meet along the way.

Trip: Maine

There are [5] stories from my trip: Maine

Photos: Misc: Newport, Plymouth, Boston

USA | Wednesday, 29 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

September in Boston
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Sailing Maine

USA | Sunday, 5 Sep 2010 | Views [456]

July 21st - August 20th We spent a fantastic month cruising the Maine coast and outer islands in Penobscot Bay. We cruised from Portland to Cutler Bay almost on the Canadian border back down to Casco Bay. Maine is a beautiful State with a great coastline.... Read more >

Tags: puffin, whale watching

Photos: Downeast Maine

USA | Thursday, 5 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

Cutler Harbor, Seal Island, Roque Is, Mudhole
See all 17 photos >>

Tags: dolphins, hikes, lighthouse, maine, puffins, razorbacks, sail, seals, whales, wind

Photos: Penobscot Bay Islands

USA | Thursday, 22 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

North Haven, Frenchboro, Isle Au Haut
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Photos: Portland

USA | Wednesday, 14 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

Around Portland
See all 17 photos >>