My Scholarship entry - Through Local Eyes
WORLDWIDE | Monday, 15 October 2012 | Views [271] | Scholarship Entry
Noel & I met at Harvard--I was a Lit major moonlighting as an actress & Noel studied Film. Her final film followed a family of alpaca. I’m not sure her lens was ever the same after the licking incident.
Since then we’ve been pursuing our dream of making travel films–or trying our best to! Noel was a DP for a thesis film in Uganda. I was 1 of 8 non-pro filmmakers selected to take a US roadtrip, give out a million socks & make a film about it.
But we still have so much more to learn! I once worked in Italy as a chef b/c what better way to understand a place than to be yelled at about Nonna's biscotti? Noel & I would love to know how to capture those moments w/o sacrificing the intimacy necessary for them to exist in the first place.
We chose Fluff b/c (1) Noel loves Fluff a crazy amount & (2) it combines the elements of an awesome film: visuals, characters, adventure. We’re most proud of our footage though b/c despite its absurdity, it is also a heartfelt portrait of Somerville. We feel strongly that a travel video should be more than a recording of an event—it should celebrate what the event reveals about the people & place involved.
We would be so grateful for this chance.
Tags: Travel Film Scholarship 2012