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Desert Safari Dubai

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

United Arab Emirates | Tuesday, September 7, 2010 | 5 photos

I love to travel and was fortunate enough to spend a few days in Dubai as part of a two month journey by ship out of Japan.

I was struck by the fact that the city was not as shiny and plastic as the brochures would have you believe but that the desert was an ever present character. It felt as though if the city was left alone for 6 months, the desert would have reclaimed it.

These photos were taken on a desert safri out to a desert camp an hour out of Dubai.

I chose these photos because they capture the dusty duskiness of the desert. I also liked that the three close up shots with snippets in the background convey just as much sense of the camp and desrt as the first two wider shots.

I love that playing with the various elements of composition can have such a drastic effect on an image. I particularly enjoy playing with patterns and repetition and angles. I would love to develop my skills in travel photography so that I can combine this with my passion for travel writing.

I am very aware that I am only an amateur photography at this stage but I believe that I have a good sense of shot and apply various technichues well to creat interesting photographs.

I would love the opportunity to explore my potential in Bhutan- I can't think of a more exciting range of photographic opportunites. It sounds like hard work and a great adventure which is exactly my kind of travel!

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