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Easy Cafe A true adventure through one of China's most fascinating provinces - Yunnan

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

China | Friday, July 5, 2013 | 5 photos

Variety is the spice of life.
I believe in lots of things, but variety being the spice of life is the single thing I 100% believe to be true.
For me, my variety is seeing new sights, tasting new tastes, living new adventures and being able to try and experience life like a local in whatever place I am fortunate enough to be visiting.
I try to make the most of my travels, getting as far from the beaten track as I can and experiencing things that are unimaginable to many.
I bring back stories to family and friends, stories that I hope might inspire and motivate them to try making their own adventure in a similar kind of place.
Through my photography I try to tell a story, a story that will inspire and give people a hunger for variety. I want the viewer to feel the buzz and excitement, I want them to feel a fraction of what I felt when fumbling with my tripod, clutching at lenses and fiddling with aperture before my subject disappears and the moment is lost.
Wow (pause for several seconds scanning the shot up, down, left and right) wow, I really want to experience that – this is the reaction that makes me want to be a photographer.

Small farming village: Shaxi, Yunnan, China 2013

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