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My Backyard

About backyard_adventurer

After buying a car that claims to be a 4WD, you simply have to take it on a dirt road. The Mitsubishi Outlander's maiden voyage on the real stuff!

After buying a car that claims to be a 4WD, you simply have to take it on a dirt road. The Mitsubishi Outlander's maiden voyage on the real stuff!

Hey there, I am the Backyard_Adventurer. I also move through the world under the name of Caroline. I'm an Outdoor Recreation guide, so other people adventuring into the outdoors is an intrinsic part of how I make a living. So keep travelling and pushing your boundaries of adventure everyone! For now, while I add a few more skills to my repertoire, my thrill seeking needs to be curtailed to within my dear home country of Australia... not that such a thing poses any problem at all!

My Travel Map:
