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Kg Panimbawan Tuaran

Lake Sulaman is not really a Lake. It's an inland cove or inlet with its shore lined with mangrove trees. Peaceful and protected from the South China Sea and its elements, the cove provides quiet and safe habitat and small fishing for the Bajaus around the cove especially Kg. Penimbawan.

MALAYSIA | Thursday, 15 January 2009 | Views [1103]

Lake Sulaman is not really a Lake. It's an inland cove or inlet with its shore lined with mangrove trees. Peaceful and protected from the South China Sea and its elements, the cove provides quiet and safe habitat and small fishing for the Bajaus around the cove especially Kg. Penimbawan.

Tags: kampung, penimbawan, tuaran, sabah, borneo, malaysian, adventure, traveling, photographer, photography

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