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All Greek to Me

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Wednesday, October 13, 2010 | 5 photos

Let me start by introducing myself. I am a country city girl, born and raised in Texas and now residing in New York City. My heart drives me and my mind puts it into fruition. For as long as I can remember I have had a deep love for the life that an image holds. The moment I developed this thirst for photography I knew it would never go away. I have since gone to college and excelled in the magazine field. However, I have yet to reach my dream of becoming a full time travel photographer or photo journalist. Then in my free time I met Africa to develop and hone in on necessary skills. My love for her is seen in my images. As a result of that life changing experience, I continued to travel and shoot, so that one day I may reach my goal. Below you will find images from my Grecian experience. The first image is of the donkey herders congregating on a wall in Fira, Santorini. This was moments after I rode a young and exuberant donkey, as he flew fool speed up a 8000 ft cliff. eek! Amazing nonetheless. I would be remised to not show the fresh Greek seafood, so Image number two is of stuffed calamari which was kataplktikó! (translation= AMAZING!). The third image is of the infamous and unusual black sand beaches of Santorini. I shot this on medium format film because I love the blown out,visual effect that film gives an image. The staircase to heaven or into the Mediterranean Sea is what gives the next image, number four, it's presence. I tried to capture the feeling you get as you walk through the winding streets, which is the feeling of walking onto the sun. The last shot shows villagers and market sellers relaxing outside their shops, as visitors stroll through. Combined, the five images capture various facets of international traveling: food, family,culture and leisure.

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