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A Thousand Miles 12 Volunteering Projects. 6 Continents. One Amazing Trip.

About athousandmiles

Meet The Dows Team.

The Dows Team is the group of people responsible for taking on the challenge of 'A Thousand Miles', updating this blog and taking some happy snaps along the way.
Final staff placements are still being finalised, but here are a few of the definites:-

Chris, one of the founders and overall travelling obsessed Aussie. Chris is one of the guys who will be on the trip and contributing to the blog. Born in 1982, Chris completed a degree at the University of Queensland before heading off to the UK. Since then he's completed a Masters, done a bit of travelling and run a national grants scheme for the charity Scope. A social researcher by trade, Chris writes for various publications; always seems to have a new plan up his sleeve and likes to volunteer when he has some free time.

Michael (aka Mikey), one of the original crew, is an adventure mad Brit who can actually say 'Been There, Done That!' in most situations. He will be contributing to the blog through photos and running commentary about the volunteering projects. Michael, aka Ganey, was born in the late 70s (he won't confirm a year!) and completed a Environmental Science degree in the UK. Since then he has been travelling, working and travelling some more. Not one for a career, Ganey has never really settled into a job so his CV looks more like a temping agencies job list. 'A Thousand Miles' is right up his street.

Other team members include ...

Jules, Projects Co-ordinator and 'mum' of the group. 'A Thousand Miles' would still be on the drawing board if it wasn't for Jules. 

Jess, Admin and general party animal. Under constant supervision from Jules (see above).

'A Thousand Miles' is funding and support by non-profit organisation Social Chit Chat.

We'll be adding to this section as we allocate the spots. Stay tuned!