My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited
Italy | Tuesday, July 2, 2013 | 5 photos
Not so long I have been into the photography. About 5 years ago I bought my first point and shoot camera as I was travelling to the Himalayas. Never really got any kind of training on it but was shooting at the subjects which took my attention. I started to do part time job while I was studying and saved each and every penny to buy a new camera and at the same time I started to learn about the technicalities, basic of the photography using online stuffs. Then a day came where I had enough money to buy a new camera and did buy a new DSLR camera and was very happy to buy one and from then I felt that my life was on track.
Later I saved as money as I can and invested in camera gear and travelled to many different places and learnt many things and still learning. I believe that learning is process which will not end until we stop breathing. There are new things to learn everyday and I think Jason Edwards can help in learning many things in professional way and I want some professional guidance as I am willing to get into professional travel and landscape photography. This scholarship will definitely help me in achieving what I want to achieve and make my parents proud of me.
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