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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

USA | Monday, January 14, 2013 | flickr photos

I am a reporter for a local newspaper in Dutchess County. I write and take photos for the Millerton News covering the Village of Millbrook. It is my job to let the public know what is happening in their community.
It is my passion to become a writer and a photographer. It is my dream to be able to travel the world taking photographs and writing. I believe that a strong photograph begins a story. I want to take that photograph and tell that story.
I love photography because I enjoy sharing how I see the world. I enjoy making people pay attention to something that they might not initially pay attention to. Photography is a constant learning experience. There is always room for improvement with a perpetual wealth of subject matter. An opportunity to receive a Travel Nomad Scholarship is the learning experience I have been waiting for. I am young, energetic and extremely curious to see the world. To receive this scholarship would be an experience I would treasure and would give me the chance to get my hands dirty and experience what it’s like to work with a National Geographic photographer on location.

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