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October 9

IRELAND | Monday, 11 October 2010 | Views [496]

Saturday, October 9th 2010

*Maggie Lorraine

Today’s highlight- being able to get ready, put a face on and see life! We get to go to town and I can have some social time and a GUINESS! Ugh thank God! It’s needed after today!

What I am about to tell you is a shortened version of the shortened version that I had typed up before my computer randomly shut down. Yes, now I know why they teach kids in school to constantly save! Save! Save!

The most irritated part of my day- this morning! This is what happened in a real condensed version, basically you get to read it without all my ranting involved! Lucky You! We had to shovel horse shit out of the pasture. Ms. Maggie yelled at me because I was ruining the grass root. Okay, so have any of you seen IRELAND? There is enough grass to feed the all starved in the world. She gave me gloves apparently to PICk up poop out of the grass, I mean every bit! Screw that, I then bent down and scooped it in a dustpan. In summary, it was a futile duty! I tried to understand why this was upsetting me so bad, well I thought of God trying to teach me different things. So this is what came into my head…maybe He is trying to teach me that sometimes I have to do things without a reason or understanding. Or maybe to not let little things get you so worked up! I still have yet to decide if it worked or I understand, but I’ll figure that out later. I think it was mainly my knowledge of horse manure as a good fertilizer vs. crazy things that she said. Like Connie doesn’t eat grass that has any poo on it.(Beggars cant be choosers). It’s over. On to the rest of my day…

The normal chores were done, then Julia(the german girl) rode Connie and Destino(stallion). It was nice to see how you are suppose to ride English, plus I sat outside and sipped tea while reading about Dressage. Which I learned that it’s our English/Equestrian riding. All the same thing.

And to the highlight of my day…getting ready for life! I mean by being in a social atmosphere where there is beer and people with style! It’s refreshing to know that the world is still there! It’s not that I don’t like the exclusiveness out here on the farm, but when I’m not busy, I get stuck with my thoughts. They aren’t bad ones, but I like to get my mind elsewhere sometimes, because some of my thoughts just make me tear up(like now) for how much I miss my family! I just want to Skype! But I am really enjoying myself. This is a life experience that I jumped into.



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