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Archer! An ordinary girl on an extraordinary journey!

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

Worldwide | Wednesday, October 12, 2011 | 5 photos

These photos were taken in Utah near or at the Flaming Gorge. A very special place with so much raw beauty.

About myself:
2006 My camera I moved to Boulder, Colorado. 2007-2009 we traveled back & forth and north & south in Canada & United States exploring all National Parks in our path.

Jan 2010 I set myself free, took that leap of faith and became a full time traveler, photo journaling all along the way. In 22 months my camera & I have traveled 20,351 miles in Canada and US including Hawaii & Alaska.

Along the way we’ve stayed in Ashrams, couch-surfing, friends and an international living community, twice.

Mid October 2011 my camera & I will “cross the pond” landing in Ireland to photograph her beauty.

I’m heading back to Hawaii by way of east. Yes, you’re correct; I’m going around the world!

Why I should win:
To be mentored by Jason Edwards before the trip of my life, photo journaling all along the way – Are you kidding me? Too huge for words!!

This is such a remarkable gift. I am open to receiving this awe-inspiring gift.

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