Our trip to Spain started on 30 August when we landed in Madrid after a 3-night stay in Cairo which is best forgotten. The heat, congestion, and the packed program after a night flight left me falling asleep (standing)while viewing the pyramids at Giza.
Landing in Madrid airport was such a cultural relief - no camel riders chasing after you, no pressure to buy! buy! buy! None of that mass of humanity all heading for the haj on the day we left Cairo.
Since my travelling companion, Linda and I were in Spain for the Camino de Santiago, we walked throughout much of Madrid just to keep our endurance levels up for our Camino. Our hotel, the Charmartin proved to be an excellent choice particularly since that was the point of our departure for Leon; plus it was well-connected to other parts of the city. Also, it was easy to get from the airport to the hotel by train. The Charmartin was clean and comfortable; we even managed a nice walk in the area early one morning just before leaving for Leon. Travelling throughout Madrid city was a breeze - just one Euro and the trains get you everywhere!