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Lutefisk- A Rotten Icebreaker

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 1 May 2014 | Views [381] | Scholarship Entry

If you were to tell me that one of my most memorable travel adventures would be sitting around a table with 20 Norwegian retirees I'd say you were crazy.
If you were also to say that this experience was shared over a nice plate of pungent smelling, gelatinous fish whilst recovering from a mild case of frost bite well then I'd think you down right delirious.
Norway was always a place I had wanted to go but the concept of travelling to a small summer holiday destination in the dead of winter sounded horrifying.
My first trip to Norway wasn't as bitterly cold as I had expected, to say I was warm however would be an overstatement. It didn't snow that month or for almost that entire winter, so what was there to do? Without skiing or snow men or any other snow centred stereotype I had grown up desiring, what was there to do?
I'd say the only thing more fearless than a young traveller is a middle aged man trying to sell his town the best he can. That’s how I ended up on an obscenely large hobby boat in the middle of the North Sea, because the only thing more Norwegian than snow is fishing. This was a philosophy that I couldn't argue with but one that didn't seem logical in the beginning of a potentially enormous storm, it was not favourable conditions for someone who loathed fishing
"Trust me" assured my ambitious fishing companion Ole Magnus "All Norwegians fish in this weather, it will be raining fish in a minute"
That was something else I couldn't dispute, catching fish in Norway was ridiculously easy. Though not much of a fisherman I’m sure ten fish can be classified as a successful trip.
"I know just how to celebrate" said Ole Magnus and that’s how the night ended up here surrounded by the Kragero Rotary Club sharing what was quite possibly the most delicious pile year old fish I've ever eaten, Lutefisk a Norwegian speciality.
"So what have you done in Kragero?" said that man across from me.
Silence flooded the table upon my reply.
"Fishing?" laughed the man "In this weather? Must be a strange Australian thing."

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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