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Global Sights & Beer Tour An epic adventure soaking up the sights and local bevvies of the weird and wonderful countries on this fabolous planet. We will be moving at bionic speed so watch this space for tales of the unexpected!

Gallery: Thailand

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 4 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 20 photos >>

23rd JULY - 31st JULY

THAILAND | Tuesday, 4 Sep 2007 | Views [901] | Comments [1]

Bangkok was a very welcomed section of the trip.   Andy and I had already decided we were going to use our time here to chill out, have a few beers, lots of sleep and fit in the odd bit of sightseeing. When we arrived in Thailand, we were greeted ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

Gallery: Cambodia

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 4 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 22 photos >>

15th JULY - 23rd JULY

CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 4 Sep 2007 | Views [996]

We knew very little of Cambodia, our decision to go was based solely on the want to visit Angkor, a site in the North West of the country, which used to be the centre of power for the Khmer Empire between the 11 th and 15 th century AD.   We had ... Read more >

Tags: People

21st JUNE - 14th JULY

CHINA | Thursday, 26 Jul 2007 | Views [833] | Comments [5]

When we left for China, I had no idea what to expect.   Andy had warned me it would be like nothing like I’ve experienced before, and he could not have been more right!   When you think of China, you imagine copious amounts of food like you find ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: China

CHINA | Saturday, 7 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

More piccies to come
See all 59 photos >>

Gallery: Australia

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 7 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 11 photos >>

Gallery: New Zealand

NEW ZEALAND | Saturday, 7 Jul 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 19 photos >>

17th JUNE - 21ST JUNE

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 29 Jun 2007 | Views [745] | Comments [1]

For those of you that don't know, Mo is a very good friend of mine from the UK, whom emigrated to Perth in January of this year.  When we said oue teary goodbyes, we banked on it being a very long time before we could hook up again for a few vinos and ... Read more >

Tags: Friends


UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 29 Jun 2007 | Views [741]

Kia Ora!!!  This means welcome, so read on.  We left the States on the 2nd June and arrived in New Zealand on the 4th June.  I am so pleased that my birhday wasn't on the 3rd June because the dateline meant we lost a full day and the 3rd did not exist ... Read more >

Tags: The Great Outdoors

Gallery: USA

UNITED KINGDOM | Tuesday, 19 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 58 photos >>

15th May - 2nd June: USA

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 10 Jun 2007 | Views [962] | Comments [1]

We left Peru on a 4.20am flight and landed in Toronto around 1pm before needing to wait for our 6pm flight to Los Angeles .   As you can imagine, we were feeling the strain but managed to keep the engines running with a few of beers – “kel ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

8th May - 15th May: PERU

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 6 Jun 2007 | Views [880] | Comments [5]

OK guys, I apologise for this being such a late update but I have tried twice to update the log and twice the net has crashed on me so gave up in the States trying, particularly given internet access difficult to find unless you need a wireless connection ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Gallery: Peru

PERU | Tuesday, 15 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 40 photos >>

Gallery: Canada

CANADA | Tuesday, 15 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 10 photos >>

3rd - 8th May: CANADA

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 9 May 2007 | Views [824] | Comments [7]

Our departure was a classic 11th hour rush which is typical of Andy and I. Even though we arrived 4 hours early at the airport, we still needed to hightail across Heathrow when we realised the gate was closing! There we were enjoying a pleasant tipple ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing