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Isabela Monteiro

Almost inexplicable - The story of Ribamar

BRAZIL | Monday, 7 September 2015 | Views [353] | Comments [2] | Scholarship Entry

It was Sunday evening and I was a girl of 14 years old watching a documentary about poverty in Brazil. It showed me, with a big shock, that I was not aware of the sad reality that existed so close to me, in my own country. I learned so much!

After this day, I started to watch other documentaries, and learned so much about the world. I wanted to do that! I wanted to take knowledge to people just like that, I wanted to show people things they didn't know. And, to be a perfect match, I also loved to travel and learn about the world. So, I decided to study journalism and make it my profession.

After 4 years in a Federal university, I felt frustrated. I didn't have teachers who share this passion of documentaries with me. I didn't produce any film. I thought I would have to adapt myself to the market, and the market in my city is too limited, where only journalists of daily news have space. So, I decided to find a course in the area I wanted. Again, limited marked. I would have to move to the Southeast of Brazil if I wanted to invest in this area. By that time, I didn't have how to move, so I put my dream in stand by.

It was Sunday morning, a few weeks ago, when I received an e-mail of a friend with this scholarship oportunity. And here I am. A girl passionate for life, cultures, the world out there and eager to show people the good stories that are only waiting for someone to discover and tell. That's my dream, so here I am, applying to this big opportunity. Thank you!

Tags: 2015 Film Scholarship to Colombia



que maravilha! mas como ele sabia como construir o aviâo? que loucura!!

  bo Sep 13, 2015 8:37 PM


Ele costumava construir pipas quando criança, e foi utilizando os princípios da pipa, apenas adaptando e trocando os artefatos... ele também passou a observar e ler sobre aviões, e, aos poucos, aprendendo com os erros e acertos, depois de 7 anos, construiu o avião que voou com perfeição :)

  Isabela Monteiro Sep 15, 2015 5:54 AM

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