Don’t miss your bus! Missing our bus from Vancouver to Horseshoe
bay means we had to take a later ferry. Which means we missed the connecting bus to get us to Port Hardy, and could only get half way. Thinking we could just hitch hike it the rest of the way we soon decided against that idea when we arrived in the deserted town that was Campbell River.
The first hostel we looked at, well it was more like an old pub that would tip over if you poked it.
Couldn’t tell you why?! Maybe it was the state of the pub that put me on guard because I’m not normally the one to make harsh judgment when it comes to someone’s looks. We were greeted by an older man probably in his late 40s to early 50s wore a black top with jeans, not particular odd looking, right? but he had long darkish grey hair tied back into a pony tail and from that alone I knew that stay there was not an option! Weird right?
It gets weirder! As we walked inside to the main bar area it was dark and dingy with a smoky haze across the large room. Smelt like a normal pub, beer and ciggies, but it literately reminded you of something out of a horror movie like ‘Hostel’. Let me paint the picture.
The lady behind the bar was old looking, wearing skimpy clothes with lots of cleavage (the old wrinkly kind). Who talked trash and tried to over charge us for a room. (She would have been the delusional over protective mother of the serial killer). Over in the corner by the pool tables was a mentally disabled women in a wheel chair wearing a dirty bib, who’s character was to make the scene that much creepier. The white trash guy playing pool wearing ripped jeans and a white singlet with yellow stains on it (assist with the murders) took it upon him-self to ask about our sailor hats. He wasn’t speaking clearly which made the situation weirder. We left before we met the killer. But in some bazaar twisted the ponytail guy probably was the killer. Ekkkkk (thought about this way too much)
Luckily for us, our awesome bus driver from ‘Island bus’ made sure that we were staying somewhere safe and even told us where a good place was to go eat before he took off again. Canadains really are the most friendlest people.