Newfoundland Memories
Memories from my many years traveling about the beautiful isle of Newfoundland, Canada
About alexisarus
"I keep six honest serving men (they taught me all I knew), their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who." - Rudyard Kipling
Basically all you need to know about me as that I want to help everyone get out in the world to learn and explore. I'm not the farthest traveler on this site, but everywhere I go I find something to love and learn from the experience. I hope to pass that drive to learn and experience on to as many people as I can, whether you have the budget to travel the world or just explore your own neighborhood. One of my firmest beliefs is that to help create a better world for everyone (and everything) within it, you first have to lean as much as you can from wherever you can. In our world of popular opinion and apathy, it can be hard to find the true essence of an experience and place, but I hope that by traveling, teaching, and writing I can help people leanr and appreciate as much as they can about our fabulous world.
My Travel Map: