SPAIN | Saturday, 29 Mar 2014 | Views [1064]
"I knew who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then." - Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
I've been trying to decide what to say about the last few weeks and this experience as a whole for a ... Read more >
UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 5 Mar 2014 | Views [226]
People who travel a lot talk about getting the itch in their feet to leave on another grand adventure soon after they arrive back from their last one. Never did I imagine one could get the itch before they'd even returned.
I left Budapest Monday morning.... Read more >
HUNGARY | Monday, 3 Mar 2014 | Views [298]
Despite having visited multiple different countries on this trip thus far, stepping foot on Hungarian soil was the first time I actually felt like I was in a different country. Ironically, this was also the only border crossing that was unceremoniously ... Read more >
GERMANY | Friday, 28 Feb 2014 | Views [291]
It's weird what you learn about yourself on the road - your prejudices, ethnocentricities, comfort zones, beliefs, habits... It's all illuminated when you're suddenly caught in a new place alone.
I've spent the last week or so bonding with Alex's ... Read more >
UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 19 Feb 2014 | Views [258]
There's nothing quite like exploring a new space, a new city, a new country on your own. In the past week Alex and I have spent three days exploring Dublin and one day gallivanting in Galway. All of it was incredible. The Temple Bar District oozed the ... Read more >
UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 13 Feb 2014 | Views [942]
All in all, the first few days of my big adventure have been awesome. I've finally met Alex's parents in person, experienced some fantastic food, seen huge portions of the countryside by coach, taken some really cool pictures of buildings older than ... Read more >
UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 13 Feb 2014 | Views [277]
Historically, when my friends/family members/acquaintances/random people on the street/clowns from the circus asked what I wanted to be/do/think/feel/believe when I grew up/graduated college/entered "the real world," I always had an answer. The answer ... Read more >