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The Indian Nomad

Travel, Dance, EDM!

BELGIUM | Wednesday, 30 April 2014 | Views [130] | Scholarship Entry

Il never forget the day that I saw the TOMORROWLAND after movie for the first time. I was in the freshman year of college back in 2011. It's was the most colourful 11 minutes of my life. I have never replayed a YouTube video that many times. The love in that video knew no bounds. The people looked happy. Almost as if world peace was possible only because of music. That day I knew that one day, someday I would go to Belgium and experience the 3 most magical days known to mankind. How I found out about Tomorrowland? After bailing on a night of clubbing with my college friends I woke up to a video on my Facebook newsfeed. It was EDM night at the club and I had missed the after movie release of the biggest music festival. And now 3 years later, and officially graduating just today the one thing I'm sure of is that I will take the year off before I begin my Masters and travel. Travel, learn and write.
Writing has always intrigued me. So much so that after graduating (just today!) my plan is to do a Masters in communication. And what better way would I find than to gain experience by writing while travelling! Doesn't it seem like the perfect opportunity? I can even put it on my university application to make them concrete!
Ofcourse there's a big 'but' (pun not intended), there has to be! Coming from an Indian family and having followed the stereotypical plan laid out by typical Indian parents of 'graduate, get a job, get married' I knew there was no way my parents would fund my trip to Belgium. So I wait 5 more years, finish my masters, get a job, collect enough money and spend it all in one place? That doesn't seem like such a bad idea. Expect I rather put it to 'better' use right, parentals? Like buy a house or a car.
So here's my chance to finally make my dream come true and I'm taking the first step. I'm telling you my story to help you help me make my dream happen.

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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