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The Ant Bridge

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

India | Tuesday, November 8, 2011 | 1 photos

About the photo: To me the challenge had been not five photos, but telling a good story with just one image. Here I've attempted it. I found these set of altruistic ants in Kerala, on the grounds of a Palace where Kings used to spend lazy vacations in: Kanakakunnu Palace, Trivandrum, India. Where helping each other out has become alien to most people, I found these ants interesting and magical.

About me: Early on, I realized that I don't see the world in the same way as the people around me. People have told me that I see things that others miss. That I can spot the ordinariness in things and celebrate it. And, I try to show mundane things in a new light, adding layers to it with life. I wait patiently for marvels of nature to unfold before me and capturing those moments gives me immense creative satisfaction. Stories come to me from unlikeliest places. It has been fun. It still is, every-time I look through the viewfinder of the camera. The near-magical spontaneity of photography led me to it. I have got very little chances to travel around, save a few trips in Kerala, where I live. So, this scholarship opens to me a whole new world, where it's more about the about the adventure and the moment.

About akhilsasidharan

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