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Not so Black and White

My Scholarship entry - Not so Black and White

Vietnam | Monday, January 14, 2013 | 5 photos

I am passionate about photography, I love that you can capture a moment and make it last a lifetime. I remember reading somwhere that "photos are the memories we choose to hold onto". For me personally, I used to have this internal battle before taking a photo, what was the best medium to shoot in, was I in the right light, was I using the correct lense!! A lot of the time I missed the amazing shot I wanted to capture because I had over thought the entire thing.

Black and white intrigues me, I find it to be both the most honest and deceptive medium to shoot in, this put me at odds with myself for the longest time. While in Vietnam I was using both standard and black and white trying to find that perfect shot! I found myself wandering alone, having gotten off a forty hour bus journey to stretch my legs. I ended up at the end of a road that opened up into this vast beach, rain was pouring and it looked as if the skies were opeing to welcome me.. In that instant I realised it's not the medium that matters but the moment.. I had to trust in a moment, and take that chance.

This would be an amazing opportunity for any budding photographer, I feel that I am ready to make the most of it.

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