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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Monday, December 10, 2012 | 5 photos

I have been studying journalism and working in television since leaving school in 2009, writing has never been a strong point of mine so I have used my photographs to help tell my story in university and in work.
I love photography (and photojournalism) not only for a picture's ability to tell a story but for it's ability to capture a moment, that, when you look back on it, all the memories come back and you are able to re-live that time, like a little paper time machine.
I am driven to constantly improve my photography skills and get better shots to try and tell a part of my story that the words just don't quite convey or to add power to a story I am passionate about.
Up until recently I haven't been sure where I would like to go with my photography, but last week I attended a lecture by National Geographic's photographer and film maker, Mattias Klum. Because of my passion for animals and the environment, Klum inspired me to want to take photographs to promote conservation and appreciation of wildlife (originial huh? but true).
My other passion is sport and the outdoors. I am a national level athlete and spend my time surfing, hiking, swimming, diving and bike riding.

About aimeelilipeters

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