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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "2015 Film Scholarship to Colombia".

Pekak Kukuruyuk (Grandfather of Cock a doodle doo)

INDONESIA | Thursday, 17 Sep 2015 | Views [832] | Video

Made taro is a person who dedicated his life to preserving the traditional games , traditional songs and traditional stories (folklore) for childrens in Bali from 30 years ago . He wants that the childrens can run their lives without being forced to ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 film scholarship to colombia, bali, culture, folklore, games, song, story, tradition

Profesor Kolok

INDONESIA | Monday, 31 Aug 2015 | Views [474] | Video | Scholarship Entry

Kolok community is deaf and dumb people who live in the village Bengkala, District Kubutambahan, Buleleng, Bali. In daily life, people Kolok coexist with normal people in the village. Daily, Kolok community life of menial work, but do not miss the typical ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Film Scholarship to Colombia

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