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Northern Manitoba

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Canada | Tuesday, January 1, 2013 | 5 photos

I am a storyteller. Telling stories isn’t what I do, it’s what I am. I believe my vision and voice are unique and worth sharing. I compulsively share my knowledge and experiences with everyone connected to me.

My passion for photography began eight years ago and each day the obsession grows. A camera alters the world around me. Everything transforms into distinct bits of light, color, shapes and emotion.

I always keep a camera within reach. I document the events around me; creating prints and books to share with others. If I’m not taking photographs I’m studying books, videos and published photographs to improve my craft.

Last year, after 12 years of writing software, I surrendered to my calling. I moved 3500 kilometers—leaving behind my family, home and career—to earn a degree in journalism.

University was exciting and challenging. It honed my storytelling talents, but it also demonstrated the curtness of daily journalism isn’t for me. I thrived while creating thorough in-depth investigative and narrative non-fiction pieces.

I discovered this internship while scanning the horizon for the next journey—the next story—of my life. I, Kelly Graham, want to tell this story.

About afoolishman

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