My big outing today was a walk to the grocery store. Actually, I walked there and was planning to take the bus back. Think I am getting a bit over-confident with the buses. Normally I study and plan every bus ride before I leave, but this time I thought I would wing it. Won't do that again. Walked home in the cold (seriously, cold enough that I couldn't feel my fingers!), carrying four bags full of food.
So cute though... after I finished paying, this mom (who had three kids with her) came up to me and said, "I'm so sorry, but my son wants to know what kind of ice cream you are buying? He said he likes that kind." I only had a tub of yogurt that may have looked like ice cream to him. I told her it was yogurt. And the kids all did a double take and looked at me like I must be from Neptune when they heard my accent. The little girl asked me what country I'm from. I told her and then asked what country SHE's from. SO cute!!