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One place, many meanings To some, a Cemetery is no more than an eerie place. To others it can be a place of grieving. It can provoke many emotions from sadness to happiness. One can mourn or rejoice. We can simply visit or be enveloped.

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Australia | Monday, January 14, 2013 | 5 photos

I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. As a kid I preferred the standard grey pencil, over colours. I loved the idea of shading and how shadows were cast.

High School - My love for drawings got stronger & that's when I found photography. I only had money to buy disposable cameras now and then, I often chose the "ultra modern" under water ones you would buy from Woolworths.

Year 10 - I applied for a scholarship at the Performing Arts High School. I was accepted! Leaving religion & biology behind for art & photography.
Experienced constructing & capturing images on a pin hole camera all the way to digital media.

My family is not and never have been wealthy. My father served the Country in World War 2 and my mother was a house wife. I always had at least 2 part time jobs throughout school.
Graduated but some unfortunate events at home stopped following my dreams for working in photography & had to enter full time work straight away.

I am self taught but feel I have endless creativity. I have never lost my burning desire to capture images all around the World.

I'd really love this chance to be mentored by Jason. No doubt I am just scratching my surface potential.

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