My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited
Mexico | Thursday, May 23, 2013 | 5 photos
Ciudad Juárez was ranked as the most violent city in the world outside of a war zone for three consecutive years, from 2009 to 2011. I have been traveling there to conduct research on the representation of violence in the city since 2009. In my interviews and my photography, I seek to pull the flesh from the bone, to strip away the sensationalist images of the city or move beyond them and strike at something hard and real. In all of the destruction and abandonment, I have found beauty, especially in the graffiti all around the city. Youth communicate their daily lives, their struggles and their life philosophy via the walls of the city.
These photos reflect my interest in cities, in youth, and in voices that are often unheard or unseen. I like to tell a story from the underbelly, to seek out what might be ignored or unseen. Until four months ago, I had only ever taken photos with an Iphone. However, I recently invested in a Canon and am learning how to use it. I have found that my eye for detail is much more important than my camera, and that making meaningful relationships with people creates far better photos than any amount of money or technology could buy.
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