About acrossthetemasek

Tourist were waiting for the shuttle vehicle from Singapore to Sentosa Island.
I am Meutia, from Bandung, Indonesia (but you can call me Muthe). I love photography since I was in middle school, but I got the chance to really hold the camera not just for few minutes, was when I was in university. Even back then, I have huge interest to capture the human expression, the interaction between human and his environment, his surrounding. I didn't know about human interest or street photography back then, and I was introduced to that by one of my friend and also my mentor. Since then, I learned from the beginning about photography (self taught) by reading articles, ebook, asking questions and feedback to fellow photographers. I learn about street photography also from zero, how to capture the decisive moment, what is street photography and what is not.
When I make photos, I want to show the world the good side of this world (not that I am ignorant about the bad side). I want to show happiness, joy, hope. That despie all bad things happened, there's still smile and laugh to be shared, kindness to be felt, and innoncence to be seen.
I don't travel a lot, not because I don't like travelling. I really like travelling, going to new places, seeing and have experiences in new cultures, new people, etc. One of my dreams is, I want to travel around Indonesia and then the world.