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...and I thought I knew I'm just as lost as you, that's why I keep moving; to find out where do I belong

Photos: Mole the World

USA | Friday, 17 Aug 2012 | Photo Gallery

''We want to spread idea of ´moling´ - using that symbol in some art, funny or original way. There is no ´higher´ or political meaning, its big international fun, anyone can use it in his unique way and share the results.' http://www.moletheworld.com/
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Tags: art proyect, california, castello di amorosa, glacier point, golden gate, half dome, mole the world, napa valley, oakland, san francisco

Photos: San Cristobal Zapotitlan

MEXICO | Thursday, 3 May 2012 | Photo Gallery

Near Chapala Lake
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Tags: chapala lake, mexico, steff daza

Photos: Cementerio de Mezquitán

MEXICO | Wednesday, 25 Apr 2012 | Photo Gallery

Since 1896, this cemetery is one of the oldest in Guadalajara, Mexico. Still in service. Is now sectioned into two, there's a street that goes right through the middle; so when you drive or walk through you are basically walking over dead people. They ... Read more >
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Tags: cemetery, dead people, death, graves, guadalajara, haunted, mexico, mezquitan, tomb

About the payphones in Czech Republic

MEXICO | Wednesday, 25 Apr 2012 | Views [638]

So here's a tip about the payphones in Prague... do not use them. Apparently it would only provoke laughs. Or that's what happened when I happily went to a coin phone in the street trying to reach my new friends at their hostel: I read the instructions, ... Read more >

Tags: coin phones, czech republic, payphones, phone calls, prague, prepaid calling card, steff daza

Remember summer of 2006?

MEXICO | Tuesday, 24 Apr 2012 | Views [586]

At first I didn’t want to believe what he said. “Really? A forest fire?” That was just beyond bad luck, it was a mythological curse! I looked outside the train, and into the barren station in Marburg…   The year ... Read more >

Tags: chocolate ice cream, fifa world cup, football, friendship, germany, redemption, steff daza, train

My Scholarship entry - A local encounter that changed my life

WORLDWIDE | Monday, 23 Apr 2012 | Views [450] | Scholarship Entry

“Di-ma” means thank you, “io” means sun, “cone” means rabbit and “iu” means woman. I learned this and a few more words in Chinanteco in 2001, when I went on my first Mission trip to the tiny community of Armadillo Chico in Oaxaca. I was 15 and the youngest ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Writing Scholarship 2012

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