After an incredibly long period in transit, flight delays and thunderstorms and overpriced pizza huts, we arrived in Lima two hours later than expected and waited nervously to see where the airport had sent our baggage.
Everything arrived safe and sound, except for my camping mat, which fell off of my backpack in the transition. Sorry mom :(
Too tired to even think about Spanish, I accidentally spoke to our taxi driver in french and made a jerk of myself by forgetting how to introduce myself. Whoops :(
I havent seen much of it yet (forgive my lack of apostrophes and stuff, i havent figured out the spanish keyboard.) but from what I have seen I like Limas energy. Everyone is very vocal with their car horns, not in a rude way but a "beep beep! i am here!" sort of way. Everyone must be very good drivers because everyone drives like a maniac but everyone realizes that everyone else drives like a maniac, too. It took awhile to get a hang of crossing the street, which is a scary ordeal! We are quickly getting the hang of it.
Today we are doing some more exploring. The corner stores here are AWESOME. They sell stuff that we would find in a HIGH CLASS liquor store back home. Wooden shelves with all sorts of wine and fancy liqueur selections. A 26er of Smirnoff is like 14 dollars, when it is like 35 at home.
The hostal is very nice. I am trying to practice my spanish here, and there is a very cute puppy. She is very energetic and bounces off of things, but doesnt seem to like Cody very much. He and his shoes have been heavily harrassed. We are going to stay another night or two, we think.
I am rambling a little here, but there is a lot to tell since I have just arrived. I fell out of the bunk bed this morning, and my friends have agreed that I am not allowed to sleep on the top bunk anymore. Booooo. :(
Hope everybody is well at home!