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Stratford-on- Avon

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 14 May 2015 | Views [118] | Scholarship Entry

Like almost every educated Indian I was enamored of England, and was thrilled when I visited it 3 years back (this, incidentally, was my first trip out of my Country). Everything about it beguiled me- the language, culture (the famous stiff upper lip included), weather (mercurial as it might be) and all the conventional "tourist attractions". As a student of English literature, I had especially enjoyed studying about the poets of the romantic era and of course, Shakespeare- the bard! It was with a surreal feeling I that alighted from my host's car at Stratford- the bard's birth place. Now, Stratford may not be as clandestine a treasure as a few other nooks and crannies, but doesn't the unique trademark way in which one experiences places make them just as memorable? I passed Shakespeare’s memorial and entered his cottage and was pleasantly surprised to see that his writing desk, candle, quill, book collection et al were so well-preserved that I might have stepped into the Shakespearean age itself. It was an honor to behold his kitchen, fire-place and bed among other things- photography inside the cottage was prohibited, nevertheless the images of the aforementioned are etched vividly and eternally in one's mind's eye.

When I stepped outside the cottage into Shakespeare's beauteous garden, I stumbled on a theater group performing scenes and acts from his plays. It was riveting to watch a young local actress in a period costume (who was later introduced to me as ‘Sheila’) become the conniving Lady Macbeth one instance, and the vulnerable Ophelia the next. The fluidity with which she transformed from one character to the other was laudable. Later on, Shiela was kind enough to devote Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 to me. As she held my hand and recited ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day’ in front of gathered crowds, so overwhelmed was I that I had tears in my eyes!

One came out into the road and was captivated by an entourage of people in sea green and white costumes performing the sprightly Hungarian peasant dance! To all who’d like to visit Stratford, I’d say- Put the cameras away! This is no tired, wonted tourist place that needs to be assaulted by your flash! Just be in the moment, and savor the ambiance of the town of one of the most revered writers in history. And don’t forget to visit the charming little bookstore next to the cottage and pick up your copy of Shakespeare and if the purse and mood allows, a quill!

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

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