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A one way ticket

My little secret

CHINA | Tuesday, 13 May 2014 | Views [211] | Scholarship Entry

Do you know that after you put medicine into your body it goes through a complicated process before it’s removed? The first stage is generally known as absorption. There are different ways a drug can enter your body. I got mine with a breath of the air. Right after I got off the plane.
I didn’t have a chance to glance over the blue mountains extending miles and miles away from the Northwest Yunnan Plateau right to the southeast of Tibet, when I knew my medicine was in my system. There’s more than meets the eye in the mountains with a sprinkle of lime-colored leaves just sprouted in the spring sun. The air felt so thin that I was afraid I could breathe in all of it with one deep breath. It smelled differently, tasted differently and even felt differently when it touched my skin. The body willingly weakened the barriers and got ready for the next stage, which doctors call drug distribution.
The magical substance that entered my body just a second ago and was running in every capillary, quickly hit the target. For a second, I lost control of what was going on and when I came round nothing was left from the serenity of the moment.
I was the target of the local cab drivers who saw the only foreigner and rushed into the battle of lifetime. Typically laowai (chinese for a foreigner) quickly gets used to excessive attention in China, but this time it was too much of attention for one person. “Qunali? Qunali? Nagejiudian?” – the crowd dementedly screamed wishing to know the name of the hotel I was heading to. But I couldn’t give them any name. I simply had nowhere to go! I didn’t expect it would be so soon that my mind would command me to take the next dose of wanderlust, so all I had time for was just to get a one-way ticket and hop on the plane.
By the time I got to the heart of Lijiang, the old town, the drug was supposed to enter the metabolism stage. But my drug wasn’t the type of substance to be easily broken down. Instead, once I found myself in the maze of winding cobblestone streets filled with young Naxi girls merrily playing with each other, braiding colored ribbons into their hair, old men wearing yak wool clothing and competing with each other in singing and dancing; I realized that was the experience I’d been looking for so long. Once the last ray of sunshine touched the tiled roofs of the town so beauteous, that even time didn’t dare do anything to it; it was clear it’s beyond me to resist the moment.
Hello, everybody. I’m Kate, a travel addict.

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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