But.. I am not in Paris yet ! and there are still several months of administrative tasks, (my fave), like Visas, innoculations, dental appointments, unloading my apartment, ie: donating or selling it to others who are looking for more stuff to crowd their homes with.
And I know I shouldn't complain, how can I really? I am going on the great adventure that I first conjured up as a teenager after reading reading Alexandre David-Neel and Isabella Bird. Those were the real adventures, and I guess I am ill prepared to be uncomfortable, but I know that is a part of travelling and I know that is part of the sacrifice one makes when all is not planned out ahead.
Which raises all kinds of questions about how much to plan or how little, what to take care of before travelling: whether to drop down into a city, look for lodging, test out the Metro and find a new restaurant without extensive research or to have it all plotted out. To organize or improvise!
I really know I shouldn't feel overwhelmed and stressed out while planning such a dream. But it's a biggie. A world tour. And I see myself wearing a beret in Paris and a shawl in Cairo, being many people and being yet so blissfully unnoticed and unknown. With no preordained style or substance known to others. Not bumping into my neighbors or having to continue the yearly rituals, the Christmas cards, the small talk about those manicured and coiffed vacation plans designed for those who have no time and space and who must return to their cubicle on Monday.