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Big Trip Blog Bigtripblog is a multimedia travel experience capturing the adventures of Kevin and Valerie during their one year trip around the world.


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "food & eating".

Cooking with Kangaroo

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 13 Jul 2007 | Views [3014] | Comments [5] | Video

While doing research about where to go during our time in Australia, an Aussie friend told me I had to try kangaroo meat. Later on we met some Brisbaners in Vietnam, and when I mentioned we were looking forward to eating some 'roo they told us that ... Read more >

Tags: ambassador van, food & eating

Standards of Service

VIETNAM | Friday, 11 May 2007 | Views [908]

We’ve eaten at hundreds of restaurants since the trip began. The service at these places has varied from top notch at swanky places in India to unbearably lax and slow at some beach places in Thailand, and everywhere in between. Here are a few anecdotes ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

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